Biblical Teachings
Biblical Revelation and Teachings
God, I pray that you use me everyday....
That my hands will never be idle for you... That my mind will ALWAYS be filled with peace, and not fear or anxiety. That my words will always be led by your Holy Spirit.. That i may ALWAYS REST in YOU, no matter what I feel, hear or see.... That I may always feel YOUR peace and strength in my heart... That each and everyday - i may find someone to uplift, help, encourage and love... That I help the lost to find YOU and That my life be found pleasing in YOUR eyes...! That MY Children and family will Always KNOW and LOVE you as I DO! That MY Family will be HEALTHY and WHOLE! That YOUR will be done in all the world... and the testimony of YOUR GREATNESS be on ALL LIPS - Let Everything that has breath praise YOU GOD! Thank you for all you do for us.... that you love us and protect US, and PROVIDE for US, even when we are not worthy...but that thru the sacrifice of your SON Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus Christ, we are cleansed.... we are made NEW.....and WE are saved! In the Name of Yeshua Hamashiach -Amen! -Jolie #seedlive #readtheseed #SEEDMINISTRIES Please share and encourage! By: Jolie G. Padilla I know there may be some of you that WON’T AGREE WITH ME. I know that A LOT of you WILL AGREE WITH ME. I'm not posting this for your feedback… I'm posting this because the GOD impressed it on me…. Because I am HIS Daughter and Because if I don’t say anything… GOD will raise another to say the words I should have said….. but if I do, God will use my words for either HIS purpose in YOUR LIFE, or they will fall on Hollow ground at YOUR SIDE, I pray that God will let the seeds that I am sharing with you here today be planted on fertile ground, and I pray that you share them with others so that the God’s harvest may be plentiful. In The Natural, Supernaturally…. What I have been seeing in the world these last 7-8 months has not been natural…. I saw a Virus that should have not had killed so many people----KILL so many people…I saw violence, destruction, I saw lies----I saw the facts manipulated, and called truth, I saw rioting, murder, slander and death…. I feared it…. but I also saw that it was manipulated and that not all people that were listed as cause of death “Covid” actually really died of the virus”….I saw carelessness, I saw indifference, I saw hopelessness, loss of faith and I saw fear and terror take hold of the STRONGEST AND BRAVEST NATION IN THE WORLD….. These last few months… In March, when this Pandemic got real for most of us, I felt a shift in the atmosphere so strong, like an attack on the world…. I won’t lie to you, I was terrified…. I was…. And I know the word says that FEAR is not of God, but I couldn’t shake it….. for the first 2 months, that is how it was for me…and the fear was not even for me, but for my family… for my friends… for the world…I knew Covid was real… and I also knew in my spirit that it was an attack…. This feeling was immediately followed by such an incredible desire to be deeper in the word, to dig deeper into the word…I prayed fervently for God to teach me, I prayed for the Holy Spirit to Lead me, I wanted to know the GOD better… more, and for the GOD to use me… in new ways…. And in the midst of a world that showed only LOSS, that filled us all with FEAR….. I would watch the news and it would be all I could do not to just give in to fear and hide somewhere…. I saw destruction, devastation, loss, death, and hate…. It was during those months that inside my heart was born such an incredible desire to be deeper in the word…to know God better… more, and for the GOD to use me… in new ways…. I started to pray to GOD daily that he use ME, that he fill me with peace and that HE remind me of HIS PROMISES, and behold I started to be used….. I stopped watching the NEWS and I began focusing on what the Holy Spirit poured into me instead….. God allowed me to birth a new idea….That is how the SEED Magazine, the, the SEED LIVE as well as El Café LIVE were born, and then even during this time of sorrow…of fear, of resignation….I felt he was allowing us to share HOPE…with people, and that gave us HOPE, and that gave us Peace…a supernatural peace to surpass all natural understanding…and there was revelation, and a falling away of the scales, and I started seeing things in a supernatural way… seeing the battle on a supernatural level….. and it was not of flesh, it was and is against the powers and principalities of the WORLD. There were many days that I would just sit there and listen to music…and just worship, and just pray for revelation, discernment, and understanding…. I would worship, I would praise and I would just cry for the world… That is how the our SEED Ministry was born….. I prayed to GOD that he use ME…… and behold I started to be used….. It was also during this time that we lost “friends” and loved ones…. It was during this time that most of you were also being attacked in one way or another – loss of job, loss of income, loss of home, loss of health, loss of family ☹loss of peace, just way too many losses ….. this time has been so full of loss….. and if you watch certain channels for your news then it was also a time of fear and terror, anger and frustration -and yes, desperation….
For us, the attacks were on our family and they began to intensify until the season of loss came to our home and we lost one of our family members to the World… and the enemy USED that person to hurt us, to spread lies -to do hurtful things, to break up relationships and to divide…and God allowed that season to happen…. And it was bad, and it hurt, but at the same time -it was a time of unveiling -----the scales were removed, and we were able to see people for who they were, and God continues to work on that….. because, I have learned, we have to just give it to him….. …. And just how he removed people, he also used that pain to restore…and bring about a newness… The LORD GIVETH and the LORD TAKETH AWAY…. During this time COVID, there was also so much restoration – we started to talk to family members we previously had issues with….. but I caution you all my brothers and sisters----that just as he restores, from one day to the other day we can also experience loss ---and to us it was a devastating loss, the suspicious death of our little sister Joy Padilla-Anderson. RIP. Despite it all ------I trust HIS WORD, and I BELIEVE HIS PROMISES……No Matter what! I have been overwhelmed by the HOLY SPIRIT…. And I belong to the LORD, no matter what happens… God is in Control and I TRUST HIM….. ALL things work together for the good of those who love him. Romans 8:28: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” As we edge closer and closer toward Election Day (tomorrow), the Lord has had me in deep prayer and Fasting for our nation…. My prayer is for the LORD to be in Control…. For HIM to lead…. For US to FOLLOW, for the scales to be removed….. for the LORD’s WILL to be done, in Jesus CHRIST Mighty Name… the GOD of ABRAHAM, ISAAC and JACOB, the God of Israel, and the GREAT IAM, and HIS SON Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach. ONLY GOD can CHOOSE who will lead our nation, and that it be the Candidate, who HAS been doing HIS WILL, the Candidate that will follow HIS WILL. Scripture on Deception: 1Timothy 4:1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. God WANTS YOUR VOICE! I didn’t vote for many years…. I didn’t because I didn’t want to support the wrong person, but this year, God put a fire inside my heart, and I went out and registered again------I’m an INDEPENDENT, I always have been, I support the person, the issues, NOT the party, so for me there is no Party affiliation…. But this year, I definitely VOTED for the PARTY that was upholding MY BELIEFS, and the CANDIDATE that the God revealed to me was being supernaturally used. And who is that you ask…? Make a list of what each Candidate has done AND is Doing in the God’s name… Make a list of what each Candidate has done and is Doing that is contrary to HIS WORD Who calls on the name of Jesus Christ, and who is embraced by the TOP Christian leaders, And most of the Christian community…. Who supports Israel….Which Candidate is Fulfilling Biblical Scripture? And who is walking in obedience to the word of God. I think for the most part, a large percentage of Christians are supporting the President for reasons that you cannot see with the natural eye, they may not like everything about him but they realize what is going on in the kingdom….. Ive seen business people support the President for financial reasons ….. I am not aware of why most Christians are supporting the other candidates, except that when I have asked I hear that its because they hate the President… and will chose ANYONE over him….. Ive also seen some Christians that are not supporting the President, and some even go so far as to attack Christians that do support the President by accusing Christians that DO support the President of being BLIND, of being traders, of being backstabbers, stupid, chumps, etc…even of being possessed, but, the WORD says: I have also seen a large group that calls itself Christians against Trump…… If you are a part of that group of Christians I would like to refer you to scripture: Scripture on obeying Authority: 1 Peter 2:13-17 For the Lord’s sake, submit to all human authority—whether the king as head of state, or the officials he has appointed. For the king has sent them to punish those who do wrong and to honor those who do right. It is God’s will that your honorable lives should silence those ignorant people who make foolish accusations against you. For you are free, yet you are God’s slaves, so don’t use your freedom as an excuse to do evil. Respect everyone, and love the family of believers. Fear God, and respect the king. The LORD removed the scales from my eyes…. To those who don’t understand, I can only say that I didn’t understand it either…. I saw, ONLY what THEY painted…. Who is the THEY? “THEY” is whoever you are watching, such as FAKE News or Conspiracy theories, special interest groups, and people that lie,,,,,, They is whoever you are listening to… and you tend to believe whatever you you listen to….what you watch….. I shut it all out….block that all out and read the WORD, listed to praise and worship… listed for HIM. God told me, immerse yourself in my word…. In me, not on neither MAN or WOMAN, NOT on the Television, or the Social Media, but on the WORD….. MY WAYS ARE NOT YOUR WAYS….. YOU ARE IN THIS WORLD….. YOU ARE NOT OF THIS WORLD. Some of you will understand that…. Others of you will not….. I didn’t but now I do…I once was blind, but now I see…. Many people claim to be Christians, and to believe in Jesus Christ…. They say they believe in the bible and the words that the LORD allowed to be used as a method of knowing HIM…… so, then…. I just have to wonder why so many people pick and chose the parts of the WORD that they want to honor, and pretend the others do not exist. GOD is a GOD of ORDER – he does not like disorder. HE is Clear on HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE HE is Clear on his LOVE for Israel HE is Clear on HOW to reach Heaven…. The Bible is a “do” and a “Don’t” HIS WORD is clear on abortion Honor and pray for your leaders, kings, queen, presidents, etc…. People have forgotten that GOD can USE ANYONE that allows HIM to be used… GOD is IN CONTROL – we don’t always understand God’s ways, as a matter of fact, we just don’t understand it – we can ONLY TRUST IN HIM, and I DO ----- I don’t like everything the President says, but I have seen that GOD is USING HIM…. And if you DON’T BELIEVE or think GOD is using Donald Trump, then HOW DID he make it thru all the attacks and lies that have been thrown at him since the first day he took office…. SINCE the first day he DECIDED to RUN for office…. And why is Donald Trump… - Able to withstand the attacks and yet continue to do more for the nation that any other President of our time - Supernaturally able to do multiple events/rallys -in multiple states on the same day - Why do MANY/MOST Christian leaders throughout the United States and the U.S. follow him? – See various video at www.ReadTheSeed.Com - Why have your witnessed the greatest attacks against him- MOST of which have been proven false and fake. Who can God redeem? Who can God use? ANYONE----who ALLOWS HIMSELF to be USED. Have you ever seen God change a life so completely that, that person was now unrecognizable to the world…. Unrecognizable to their family… unrecognizable to themselves… that is the power of GOD, he can USE anyone and anything, for OUR GOOD… he can change ANYONE, ANYTHING for OUR GOOD. LORD thank you that you are in Control, and that you give us strength and courage, that you give us peace, that you give us LOVE. The Devil is a LIAR! I prayed to GOD for revelation, TO SHOW ME THE HEARTS of these CANDIDATES WHO LOVES HIM, WHO PRAISES HIM? and I prayed to the LORD to Remove the Shakles, that he remove the scales…. and show me HOW HIS WILL WAS supported by either candidate…… and HE REVEALED it….. We are seeing so much craziness in the world, in some areas of our nation our brother and sisters in the LORD are not allowed to congregate or worship….. We are a chosen generation my friends, brothers and sisters… chosen for such a time such as this…. Don’t let the Devil ROB you of one more thing! Make sure you are aligned with God…and with HIS WORD, not MINE, NOT the worlds, NOT the NEWS------GOD’s Word. Get in the word… today, tonight… let the HOLY SPIRIT minister to you… make a list…. What role does each candidate play in the kingdom.. DO not use the news to support your case against either candidate… ONLY the WORD. God Bless You and God Bless These United States of America! Please read the supporting Biblical scripture below: Scripture on Being ashamed of God: Mathew 10:32-34 32Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father in heaven. 33But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father in heaven. 34Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.… The name ‘Jesus Christ’. There is a name above all names in the world and the agents of Satan and even Satan cannot say or exalt this name. Phil: 2:9-11 therefore God has also highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth. And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. People powered by the evil spirits and demons cannot say or confess the name ‘Jesus Christ’ and acknowledge that HE is the Messiah and the True son of God, because it is acknowledging that Jesus is Christ. Have seen and heard many people calling themselves ‘servants of God’ who cannot say the name ‘Jesus Christ’ but they will utter the name ‘Jesus’ more than a thousand times preaching or teaching. Jesus said, ‘for many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am Christ’. The word, ‘I am Christ’ is quoted meaning they will not acknowledge Him as Christ but acknowledge themselves as the Christ i.e. they will not say Jesus is the Christ thushe should be called ‘Jesus Christ’. Romans 13:1-2 Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished. Blessing Israel: Genesis 12:1-3: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Isaiah 60:12 - For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, [those] nations shall be utterly wasted. On Abortion: Psalm 139:13-16 For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them. |
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